The Ohio State University






2160 West Case Road, Hangar 5
Columbus, OH 43235
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My name is Barbara. I am

My name is Barbara. I am looking to find an old friend who I have not had contact with for many years. His name is Jerry Howard, in his 50's. I met him in 1980 in Springfield Illinois when he worked there at Capital Airport as an engineer for the FAA. He moved to Cleveland in 1980. He is from Ohio, has a brother in Columbus and his mother lived in Newark Ohio. He plays guitar, rock and roll. I believe he spent some time in Alaska and I believe in Keller Texas. He had a roommate Dean Smith when he lived in North Ridgeville Ohio.

Can you help me??? My email address is, I am also on Facebook (Barbara LaReau) and My Space (BabaLouRN)


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