Am I too old to enroll in an integrated pilot program?
Submitted by morgan on Sat, 04/02/2011 - 09:54.I'm 32 years old and I have a school offer to do their integrated pilot program. My concern is, is it too late especially since airliners tend to employ younger pilots. By the time I graduate I will be 34 to 35. Thank you.
One of your readers recently wrote in with this question. Thoughts anyone - please chime in with your advice or personal experience.
Pastor Teaches Teens to Fly
Submitted by morgan on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 10:32.This is a nice story about flight training. A pastor living in rural Alaska is working to train young people in becoming pilots and flight mechanics.
Grant Funk is a 53 year-old Covenant Church pastor in Hooper Bay and he's starting a nonprofit that will help to bring flight instructors to rural schools across the state of Alaska. Students in these programs will be able to receive class credit for learning to fly!
Read more here.
Help! PPL Exam Preparation
Submitted by morgan on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 11:35.One of our readers, who's getting ready for their private pilots license exam, just wrote in with a few "disambiguation" questions. Can anyone help him out? Please respond by commenting on this post.
I am preparing for my PPl exam, and came across some terms that I don't understand, or the difference between:
1. "Orbit" and "Go around"
2. Line up and wait behind
3. Continue approach
4. Call area outbound
5. Who has right of way – an aircraft about to backtrack the runway, or an aircraft on final approach to landMany thanks