Rochester Air Center
+1 585-328-8839
- 1313 Scottsville Road
- Rochester, NY 14624
See map: Google Maps
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to ask you if there are 1-week-courses for sail aviation in July. I am an organizer for student exchanges and I would like to put a 16-year German students with flight experience in your course. He speaks Englisch fluently and he is a very calm and nice person. I could sent you a list with his flight experiences and medical too. How much would you charge for a week?
I would be grateful for hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerly Kai Wiegmann
If you could perhaps include
If you could perhaps include a list of courses offered at this school, along with an updated phone number, that would be pretty helpful. Thanks!
He speaks Englisch fluently
He speaks Englisch fluently and he is a very calm and nice person. I could sent you a list with his flight experiences and medical too. examsheets Sharepoint-Certification MOS CCSP
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