K S Aviation Inc






550 Airway Blvd
Livermore, CA 94551
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I was just thinking about

I was just thinking about Cessna 152 N5197B that I used to own in the early '80s. I looked up the tail number and I see that you have it now. I leased it back for a trainer but flew it a little for fun the short time I owned it. I needed a larger plane so sold it to a company in Texas about 1985 (didn't get another, though). I am pleasantly surprised to see it is still flying. I assume that it is used again as a trainer.
Interestingly, I purchased it about 1982 when it was just over 2 years old for $8,400. I sold it about 3 years later for $13,000 with the engine ready for overhaul. I saw that it was for sale in Alaska a year or so ago in the $23,000 range. It increased in value over the years but I imagine it has about topped out now. I hope you get years of service out of it.
Thanks for listening.
John Gray

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