Flightsafety Academy Of Div Of Flightsafety Intl I






Vero Beach Municipal Airport
PO Box 2708
Vero Beach, FL 32961
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FlightSafety is the biggest

FlightSafety is the biggest rip off i have ever seen. $339 for their multi and $194 for their single engine aircraft. The instructors have no integrity when charging the brief rate of $58 an hour. Management sucks. The schedule sucks even worst. if your not coming into the flight school on a contract like the Irish or the Swiss then you are on the back burner waiting for a plane. Waiting means you pay for the dorm, sitting around doing nothing wasting money. If you are not on a contract i highly recommend that you AVOID this school at all costs. If you are VA part 141 like myself don't waste your time here... go to the nearest Air Force aero club and fly for $80 per hour and $30 instructor rate. Or join the Civil Air Patrol.

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