Atp Flight Academy






855-602 St. Johns Bluff Road
Jacksonville, FL 32225
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I attended ATP for their

I attended ATP for their Airline Career Pilot Program. Upon completion of my training I was hired under the impression that I would go to Jacksonville, Florida to complete a standardization program and be placed as a flight instructor at one of their locations across the United States. When I arrived in Jacksonville I was informed that they currently had no need for more flight instructors and the standardization program would be put on hold. I was then told that if I was still interested in the flight instructor position, I could work in the computer call center temporarily until the need for instructors returned and then go through the standardization program. I was accompanied by five other potential flight instructors in the call center. We were answering phones and making cold calls to anyone who had requested more information about the school from the web site. After about two months, there had been no rumor of a need for more flight instructors and I was anxious to start my career in aviation. I was offered a position at another flight school as a flight instructor and left to begin my career.

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